Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Let's Do The Math

"Noticing how things are turning out for you is one very clear way of understanding which Vibrational requests you are emanating, because you always get the essence of what you are thinking about, whether you want it or not."
--- Abraham

What is the essence of what we are emanating? It is the dominant intent of our thoughts. Being a mathematician, I think of it as the average of all my thoughts. So if half the time I'm crabby and half the time I'm happy, the essence is a so-so energy for that day right down the middle; not horrible, but not stellar either. However, if my dominant vibration is positive and upbeat just 51% of the time (a bit over half the time), that will register with the Law of Attraction as my essence. That makes for a pretty good day.

So, it turns out, we don't have to be perfect in our thoughts all day, just 51% of the time according to the Abraham Teachings. That's a relief!

Here's how I calculated it once: There are 24 hours in a day, and if I'm sleeping 8 hours, that leaves 16 hours awake. 51% of my awake time is 8 hours, 9 minutes and 36 seconds. I wonder if I could emanate positive thoughts for that long? Could you? If it's too hard to think of it that way, just look around you. If things are going smoothly, then you are having warm fuzzy thoughts (about yourself or others) at least 51% of your day.

I am encouraged to realize this is doable. Maybe we could all start with one minute of loving thoughts, and then two, and then see how it all adds up. Right now in this moment that you are reading this, what if you held a loving thought for one minute. Try it!

Then have a good day on me!

Love you,

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