Saturday, October 10, 2009

Divine Guidance

Dear Friends,
I was going to type a small excerpt of Ernest Holmes words on Divine Guidance here. But then I was DIVINELY GUIDED (ha!) to share the entire passage with you(see below). This is what I read when I am seeking guidance on any area of concern. It soothes me to read this, and somehow I have befriended this passage over time, so that there is an agreement between "us," that when I start to read it, It knows it is time to provide me with the answers. I love this passage and apparantly it loves me back. May I suggest that you print this one and keep it handy if it resonates with you. It really works well. You can Trust it. Love, Sherry

"God's Intelligence in the midst of us is governing and guiding, counseling and advising, causing us to know what to do under every circumstance and at all times, if we will but trust it. Therefore, every seeming problem has a right solution, and we may turn to the infinite Knower for the answer.

"If we will but take our personal problem to a high place in our consciousness, it will disappear as the answer to it takes its place. This is the way a problem is solved. We should know that there is nothing in us that can keep this from happening. There is no thought of doubt or limitation. We should feel that the answer is established in our consciousness and will make itself known to our mind, right now, in our present experience. This can be done only as we let go of the problem, as a problem, and definitely expect and accept its answer.

"Since the whole secret of Divine Guidance lies in the ability to accept it, today I affirm that I do accept it. I do believe that the Spirit goes before and prepares the way. I do know that every thought and act is governed and guided by a superior Intelligence. There is something in me that knows what to do. It not only knows what to do, It impels me to act upon what It knows. This very acceptance flows forth into action through me. Always there is an inner, quiet, persistent confidence, a nonresistant but complete acceptance, an inward flowing with the stream of Life, knowing that It carries me safely and surely to my destination and to the accomplishment of every good purpose. This is Divine Guidance and I surrender to it."

~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind

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