Sunday, February 7, 2010


"I no longer contend against people or events. In doing this I become emancipated from my previous bondage. Today, everything in my experience is made new. Today, I expect and accept only good." Ernest Holmes

Have you ever been in a pickle and said to yourself, "what's wrong with my consciousness, that I attracted this?" Not only do you have a problem, now you are beating yourself up that you have attracted it. A double whammy.

I found myself in such a pickle recently, and asked the Universe for guidance. Knowing that I had lost my connection to Spirit, it gently brought me back. How?
I went to turn on the TV, and although the shows were all available, there was no sound. So I thought I'd try the DVD player, which is connected to that TV. Guess what? The DVD player had sound coming out of the TV! I knew I was being shown the way, so I listened to what happened to be in the DVD player: an Abraham-Hicks workshop CD! Coincidence? No such thing.

This CD was a gift from a friend that ordered it for me. She thought I would enjoy it. (I had been avoiding listening to it). Now I listened. It talked about getting into the Vortex, a state of grace where you are one with Source (God); and thus one with unconditional love, one with your Good, and all the things you have been asking for.

Abraham asked people at the workshop to come up to the microphone and talk about what it feels like to be in their Vortex. It was beautiful! What happened was, this focus on their Vortex, caused a diffusion of anything that was troubling in their experience. Listening to others describe their Vortex, I felt the same effect.

Abraham said, "the problems that are responsible for the creation of your Vortex have served their purpose, and now you are ready to give your undivided attention to what's in your Vortex. Problems cause you to find solutions, and it is in that movement, that you are getting into your Vortex. That movement into your Vortex IS the sweetness of life."

In plain English - when you've got problems, go to God. You'll forget about your problems. The solutions will follow, or you won't care anymore. That was the purpose of the problem, to get you to focus on God. The sweetness of life IS the process of reconnecting with the Divine.

I must say, that this certainly worked for me. I felt that rather than working hard to OVERCOME the problems, I simply transcended them. Then sweet relief followed.

The quote at the top of this post from Ernest Holmes sums it up for me. When I reconnected with Source, I no longer needed to CONTEND against the people and events. I simply chose to focus on God and the grace that is waiting for me in my Vortex.

Lesson O' the Day: "I coulda been a contender, Stella...but I chose freedom instead." :-)