Friday, July 2, 2010

Love Yourself More

"When I find myself in the midst of my own transformation, God is there...loving me every step of the way...and reminding me to do the same."
~ Sage Bennet, Agape

This beautiful message is one of my all-time favorite quotes. I wanted to share it with you tonight. It captures two wise Truths. First, that we are never alone -Spirit is always with us, loving us unconditionally no matter what we're going through. Second, that Spirit is gently reminding us to love ourselves just as we are loved by the Divine; unconditionally.

I may not always make it to 'unconditionally,' but I can strive to love myself more. Being a recovering perfectionist, this feels reasonable to me. I love the quote, because when I think I'm in a jam, when I'm questioning, "how did my consciousness manifest this?" it reminds me to see the situation through the eyes of Source. I'm not in the midst of a mess, I'm in the midst of my own transformation. A lot kinder perspective, I would say.

The phrase "my own transformation" gives me hope. It suggests I will come through this "mess" transformed in some way. Maybe a little bit wiser or stronger, having gleaned the blessing in this disguise.

I wonder if part of the Divine Plan within the challenge we may be going through is to have the opportunity to see if we can love ourselves a little bit more while we're "in the midst of it."

Years ago, I remember an interviewer asked then First Lady Barbara Bush, "Which one of your children do you love the most?" She replied, "The one that needs me the most at the moment."

I know God is loving us, especially in the moment we most need it. Are you?