Thursday, September 10, 2009

Perspective Continued

After the Good Samaritan stopped the people from breaking into my car yesterday (see yesterday's post), one more thing happened that I wanted to share with you.

After the car incident, I tried calling a few friends, and my cell phone said, "failed call." I tried again later, and it still wouldn't dial out. I believe Spirit was keeping me from telling the victim story about the car, and putting energy into, "guess what happened to me?" calls.

So I went to the Verizon wireless store, and said a little prayer while waiting in line for assistance. "Thank you, Spirit, for my cell phone working again, and this getting resolved with ease, so that I feel good when I walk out."

The woman service rep that I was matched up with was competent and nice. She said the phone was a goner, it had totally died. I had the option to upgrade to a newer more expensive phone or pay the $50 deductible to replace the current one. Then she paused and said, "maybe I can waive the $50 deductible for you."
She went back and checked, and came back with a lovely nod of approval. She replaced my current phone with the same exact model, transferring all my contacts. Just as with Collin a few hours earlier, I gave her a hug of appreciation. I walked out happy, with a working phone, and not a penny spent.

This really is a minor event, in the grand scheme of things...but I KNOW that my prayer was answered, and after a challenging day, it was a good reminder that there truly are Angels amongst us.

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