Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Catch and Release

I've been getting a lot of junk email lately. About 25-30 junk emails await me every morning. It was getting annoying and taking up my time. Then it occurred to me I could do something about it. I took a look and discovered that my junk email filter setting had been turned off. So I reset the filter to high. Now the software will automatically screen emails for me, filtering out the "bad" spam.

Then the light bulb went on. Voila! I can write about this in my blog! The junk email is symbolic of our negative or critical thoughts. Unwanted incoming clutter. It keeps coming in, piling up, until we take notice. Maybe there is something we can DO about this. Maybe we don't need to wake up to the negativity every morning. Yes, it exists, but we don't have to give it the time of day. It is this awareness that causes our shift to inspired action.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could set an automatic feature within us, that filters out our "junky" thoughts and deletes them? Well, we can. They don't serve us, and they take our energy away from more delightful thoughts. We can rid ourselves of them with intention. We can ask the Universal Manager to help us catch and release our negative thoughts. We may be exercising a new muscle here, but over time, IT (catching & releasing) becomes strengthened into a habit of choice. I choose to catch and release my negative thoughts.

Care to join me?

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