Thursday, November 19, 2009

Signs from God

"I have sent you nothing but Angels"

~ God

I believe God is always sending us messages. Our job is to notice them. They are everywhere. I keep a small notepad in my car. When I see a sign from God, I write it down. Here is the latest accumulation of messages just for me (and you) from God.

From personalized license plates on cars right in front of me:

IN2LVNG (Into Loving)

IBLVEE (I believe)

WHORU (Who are you?)

JUSTBLV (Just Believe)

DEEPFUN (Deep Fun)

GOTHOPE (Got Hope)

Followed by a bumper sticker that said:

"My boss is a Jewish Carpenter"

Followed by a song on the radio:

"Let Me Be Your Hero."

I know you see them too. I thought it would be nice to bring attention to how clever God is in answering our prayers, and showing us the way. Thanks, God!

We are NEVER alone...

Affirmation O' the Day: I am grateful for the awesome ways that God reminds me I am loved.

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