Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our Divine Plan

"God's in his heaven, all's right with the world."
~ Robert Browning

When we are going through something challenging, sometimes we assume we've done something wrong to create it. "What's wrong with my consciousness, that I attracted this mess?"

So we begin to beat ourselves up, and that expands the challenge even more.

The Truth is...everything in our life is happening according to a Divine Plan. OUR Divine Plan.

I hear you saying, "How can you call THIS Divine?"

Because I trust the system. There is a feeling deep within me that knows this Truth. God as my Higher Self is running the show here, manifesting what will bring me to my greatest joy. It may look like a fiasco, but it is really a gift, an answer to my prayer.

Through free will, I may have asked for, let's say, "Freedom," as a goal in my Divine Plan. My Higher Self kicks into High Gear, (no coincidence on the pun) and starts creating opportunities for me to create that freedom. Maybe I needed to have a sense of limitation first, in order to break loose from those shackles. Without the shackles (i.e., the gift) existing in the first place, my freedom can't be won. I can curse the shackles, or I can bless them for what they ultimately brought me. I choose to bless them.

If we can step back from being in the thick of things, and see this from a Spiritual perspective, everything is happening perfectly. Divine Right Action is always taking place.

Trust the system. The Universe is always conspiring in our favor. Expect the challenge to unfold for your highest good. It will...Trust me.

Affirmation O' the Day: "All's right in my world."

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