Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Law of Attraction - Post #2

Yesterday's post began our week long discussion of The Law of Attraction by defining it.

Today, I want to share the book, "Ask and It is Given - Learning to Manifest Your Desires," by Esther and Jerry Hicks. This book explains beautifully The Law of Attraction and how to apply it in our daily lives. In my opinion, this is the ONLY book you will need from all the variety of books out there, including many others by Esther and Jerry. Esther channels Abraham, a non-physical collective consciousness, a teacher. You may learn all about Abraham and this teaching by visiting their website, www.abraham-hicks.com

You may want to sign up to receive their free daily quotes that explain the The Law of Attraction. They are from their workshops and are wonderful and uplifting.

When I teach the Introduction to The Law of Attraction course, it takes 6 weeks to cover the beginning material, but I will summarize what the book says about the Law of Attraction in a condensed version here.

The book states there are 3 steps to manifesting what you desire. ASK-GIVEN-RECEIVE:

Step 1 - YOU ASK.
This is your work. Ask for what you desire. Declare it to the Universe. Be clear. Your thoughts, prayers or affirmations are your asking. You are placing your order with the Universe. Consider how you will FEEL when you have what you want. Mostly, we desire things, because we believe we will FEEL GOOD when we have them.

Step 2 - IT IS GIVEN.
This is not your work. The Universe answers automatically. The Universe always says, "YES, YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND." All things that you ask for are immediately understood and fully offered by Source, without exception. Every prayer is answered. It goes into what they used to call your "vibrational escrow," and now they call it your "vortex."

Step 3 - RECEIVE.
This is your work. Most of the book is spent explaining how to receive. You allow it in. The answer, which has been given, must be allowed or received. You have to let it in. To do this, you must release resistance to feeling the way you will feel when you HAVE what you desire. This is all about raising the vibrational frequency of your Being to be a vibrational match of what you desire.

If you have any questions about this, please post them to me, and I will respond. This material is such a powerful tool, I hope you enjoy this topic as much as I do...


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