Monday, January 4, 2010

I Release

Happy New Year 2010!

This past fall, I created a Spirit Wisdom Circle. I facilitate it every Saturday in Woodland Hills, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles. This past weekend, we had a Sacred Burning Bowl Ceremony, to usher in the New Year. It consisted of two parts. The first part was writing down what we were ready to bless and release from our past. We burned the paper in the fireplace. It was very emotional for many of us. The second part was writing what we intend to create in the year ahead.

The night before the Burning Bowl Ceremony, Spirit channeled through me a meditation called "I Release." As I read it out loud to the group, many of us, including myself, got choked up, and were moved by the words. The group asked me to email them a copy. Here's the funny part. I sent it out 3 times, because my email address was on the mailing list, and I wasn't receiving it each time. I thought they weren't receiving it either. But they were. Everyone got three copies of "I Release." Spirit never ceases to amaze me, in the creative and fun ways that it works to reach us. I'm sure this was Spirit, making a point, to remind us to release, release, release...

Here is the meditation for you to enjoy, too.

Channeled from Spirit by Sherry Lynn
For Our Sacred Burning Bowl Ceremony
January 2010

There is one Power, one Presence, one Love.
I am one with this Loving Presence – Spirit.
Today, I release that which no longer serves me – the limitations in my mind that have kept me from being ME.

I release the struggles, oh the countless struggles, at times seeming unnecessary, and yet they brought me to this moment of grace.

I release the need to beat myself up.
There are no mistakes, only growth from within the deep recesses of my soul, longing to emerge.

I release the belief that I’ve been doing it all wrong.
Maybe I don’t understand completely why I was drawn to struggle with those beliefs, but Spirit does. Spirit understands. I was creating a better life for myself, while in the process of believing those old beliefs.

I bless them. I let them go now.
You know the beliefs I am ready to release now, Spirit. You always know.
I release the thoughts that have kept me little, small, afraid. Those thoughts are not the Truth of who I am.

I release the pain, the hurt, the suffering I have endured. Yet I keep the awareness of my strength through such adversity.

I release the need to prove how strong I am.
I release the need to do it all by myself.
I remember that Spirit is always with me, walking beside me.

I release the fear and the doubt that rears its ugly head, just as I begin to get it together.

I forgive myself for judging myself. I release all self-judgments.

I release the teachers disguised as ‘challenging people’ in my life that have taught me so well. So well, that I have received the lessons fully. I bless them for volunteering to be my teachers, even thought it was painful for them, too.

I release the experiences and memories of the past that keep me from my future.

I release the lack, the limitation, the blocks, and resistance, the old habits and patterns that I am ready to let go of now.

I release all grudges, and resentments that are ready to be dissolved back into the nothingness from whence they came.

I release the anger, mine and theirs, that I have carried for so long. I release it without judging it I simply let it go now.

I release believing that “I can’t,” because I know that with God, all things are possible.
I release believing that “I am not enough.”
I release believing that “I am not worthy.”
I have always been enough and worthy in the eyes of Source. I always will be.

I release old problems and the need for the conditions that have held me back from my Divine Destiny – from my Joy.

I celebrate my release, because it sets me free. In doing so, I forgive myself. I appreciate myself. I love myself.

I release. I let go and I let God. And so it is. Amen.

Spirit Wisdom Circle
Facilitated by Sherry Lynn

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