Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Go Around Her

Spirit is always trying to reach us with messages. Our job is to “get” them. I want to share what happened to me the other day. The whole time it was going on, I knew there was a message from God in there. This is the way I see the world a lot of the time. You know how when you wake up from a dream, you try to interpret the symbolism in the dream and get the messages for yourself? I do that with real life experiences.

Here’s what happened:

I was on my way to an appointment. I was thinking about whether I should end an 8 year relationship with a friend. Probably, that was my “asking” for guidance from Spirit. I was on Lindley Avenue when I noticed a lot of commotion. There were police on motorcycles, and lots of cars coming out of a church driveway. I slowed down and came to a stand-still, right in front of the church. I realized I was caught up in the middle of a funeral procession. All the cars were being assembled, a bit chaotically, to follow the procession to the cemetery. There were two lanes in the direction I was headed. I was in the left lane. One car was in front of me, and had stopped to wait. No one was in front of her. There was a long row of cars (mourners) in the lane to my right.

I decided to accept the situation rather than fight it. I wanted to be respectful of the circumstances. I thought about how important it was for all of these people to take the time out of their routines to pay their final respects.

I was okay with waiting. But the two young men (mourners) in the car to my right, had their window down, and spoke to me. “Go around her,” they said.
I asked, “Do you mean make a U turn?” “No, go around her,” was their firm reply. So I did. But first, I said to the two young men, “my condolences on your loss,” and they acknowledged my gesture and thanked me. In front of the police and everyone else, I moved forward, onto my destination. I remember being a bit scared that I might get in trouble with the motorcycle cops, because I actually had to enter the opposing traffic lane to go around her. It felt risky, and a bit disrespectful.

Here’s my analysis of why this happened. When I was an adult, my mother lived on Lindley Avenue, actually 2 blocks from where I was stuck in front of that church the other day. Coincidence?? She passed away 8 years ago. I believe the car in front of me represented my mom. I was allowing her to “keep me stuck” in the old unhealthy beliefs she had taught me. Her messages were keeping me from moving forward to my destination in life. “Stay small, Sherry. Don’t outshine others. Always put other people’s needs before your own. Don’t stand up for yourself - it might hurt someone’s feelings.” The two young men in the car represented my sons. They were supporting me and letting me know it was okay to “go around her.” When I gave them my condolences on their loss, I believe I was telling my sons, I’m sorry for what you lost because of me. It feels like the message from Spirit was, “Let those old beliefs die now. Their time has passed. Even if it feels risky, it is safe to move ahead.”

Spirit gave me the guidance I asked for. It fell right into my lap in front of a church on Lindley Avenue. So I did end that 8 year relationship this past weekend. It felt like the right thing to do for me, even if it was going to hurt him. It took courage to “go around her” old beliefs and move forward to the “appointment” with my Good. This was not only the end of a relationship, but also the “death” of my mother’s voice in my head.

Rest in Peace…

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