Monday, August 17, 2009

What am I pretending not to know?

Driving home from the triumphant creation of my blog, I am wondering what I will talk about first. This "asking" of the Divine was "answered" rather quickly. In front of me I notice a tow-truck, towing a very old Toyota pick up, with camper shell. To say it was a clunker would be polite. Across the back window, in 2" white adhesive letters, is the message: "What am I pretending not to know?" I must admit, I started laughing, guessing what THEY were pretending not to know, as their truck was being towed away (feel free to add your comments on the possiblities). Then I was struck with the realization that Spirit was right there with me, letting me know I was on track with the idea to create the blog, and that Spirit would be "supplying" me with the fodder for postings. It was going to be a fun joint venture. Spirit and me.

So, what am I pretending not to know? That's an easy wonderful I am. People tell me this, and I say "thank you," sometimes believing it, but the old "critical voice" says otherwise. Who is that "critical voice" and why am I allowing it to live rent free in my head? I am learning to be aware when it's happening, and to shift into seeing myself through the eyes of Source. Like you, I am a work in progress. The trick is to love myself, especially when I haven't yet given the critical voice its eviction notice.

What are YOU pretending not to know?? Feel free to post your comments here.


  1. I sometimes pretend not to know that I do have the best answer or solution when a problem arises. The urge to go running to those who I falsely believe know more than me or know better than me has not worked out well thus far. Instead of making choices based on advice from paid therapists, "smarter" people, or well meaning family members, I've decided to consider their input, yes, but to look for the best answers within, to meditate, to connect to my higher self and choose what feels right to me. And that's what I really know is the truth.

  2. Hello Love!

    First, many congratUlations on the birth of Your blog! How exciting! I want You to know that this is the first blog I have ever joined or participated in...I Love YOU! I commend You, Sherry, on taking this big leap of faith, and for sharing Your wonderful insights with Us.

    What an interesting thought..."What am I pretending not to know?" I love Your honest and thought-provoking response. What is mine? ...still pondering this question.

    Perhaps My response would be very similar to Yours. This is something that I believe We all struggle with at times, if not most of our lives: self-love, self-worth, self-appreciation, wonderment of how unique, beautiful, and perfect We already are. I believe that women especially struggle with these values, and as You shared, We allow the negative recordings to replay continuously in Our head. STOP, already!!!

    I am pretending NOT to know that I am worthy of a wonderful new job, helping and serving others in a loving and caring capacity. One that will allow me to share my compassion and love of helping and empowering others to stand up for themselves and to believe in their personal power. I am pretending NOT to know that there is a new job for me out there in the human services field right now, and that I just have to have faith that it is right there, getting ready for me. I am pretending Not to know that I can appreciate my past works and gently let them go and take that leap of faith into my new role. Finally, I am pretending Not to know that I can love my new work AND get paid nicely for the work that I do. I do not have to sacrifice my self-worth for a low-paying job. Not to sound arrogant, but this is something that I have struggled with and have listened to continuously in my head. It's time to break those broken records!!!

    Like You, Sherry, I too am a work in progress. Slowly, steady, surely. This I do know, and I have to honor that, understanding that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment...and to have the patience to accept that.

    Thank you for sharing with Us, and again, kudos to you, Sister!

    All my love,
    Lady Di
