Sunday, August 23, 2009

The best part was leaving...

I attended Sunday service today at my Spiritual Center. The teens came up to thank everyone for sponsoring their week at teen summer camp. They proudly wore their new t-shirts with the camp theme, "Let's Get Metaphysical!" One by one, they spoke of what camp meant to them. Most included the phrase, "it was awesome." Then Emily spoke. She shared that being 13, this was her first time at teen camp. She said the best part for her was leaving. After the chuckles from everyone, she explained that she was excited to leave and take what she had learned with her. She was looking forward to seeing how she would use these new spiritual tools in her life. I sat in awe of her enthusiasm and her awareness at such a young age.

What if for each of us the best part was leaving? What if whatever we encounter during the day - positive or negative - left us with an enthusiasm to glean the learning and integrate it into our lives.

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