Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What's Your Story?

"Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want."

~ Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks

Tell a new story. It's that simple. If what you have isn't want you want, tell a new story. Whatever we are thinking about, comes about. So if we are focused on how things aren't working in our lives, we'll get more of that. You can begin to notice what you talk about all day, to your friends, your co-workers, when you're on the phone. That's the old story, most likely.

The trick, according to Abraham, is to focus on what you DO want. This idea really annoys people! They say, "But it's true, that I don't have this thing. I have to face reality, don't I?" Nope. If you keep focusing on the "not having it," you'll never get it.

What does telling your story look like? Sit down, and write it. Tell it like you "want it to be," rather than, "telling it like it is." Write it as if it's already happened, and you are telling a dear friend how it FEELS now that you have what you have wanted.

By the way, you ARE telling a dear friend...you are telling God. Make it a game. Be light about it. Use your IMAGINATION, your most powerful tool for manifesting. Create your new story, and then watch for the evidence to show up in physical form. This is the really fun part. If you look for it, you will see it. Then write down the evidence as it is building. Be appreciative of each piece of evidence. It will begin to expand. You are raising your vibration, and feeling like the powerful creator that you are.

The Universe will respond in kind to whatever we are thinking about and talking about and focusing on.

Here's my new story: "I feel so good because everything keeps getting better and better."

What story do YOU want to tell the next person YOU talk to???

Affirmation O' the Day: I tell a better story!

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