Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Battery for a New Year

I got a new battery in my car this week, but let me start from the beginning...

First, Spirit gave me a gentle warning, as is often the case, by sending me a client for an Intuitive Reading. She had a weak battery signal in her car, and needed to have it replaced. Her mechanic had thought it might be the starter, but it turned out to be the battery. The guidance that Spirit channeled through me was to reassure her that she was in a good space and not messing up(why do we tend to go there first?) and that all was well.

What I got from Spirit during that reading, was that the starter in a car represents our "consciousness" and the battery, represents life force energy, that enables us to take inspired action and move forward. Do you all know that when we have a dream about a car, the car most likely represents our life?

So when my car wasn't starting well the last few days, I already had this "heads up" from Spirit. Thank you, God!

I took my car in to a new mechanic, that my girlfriend had recently recommended - someone I could trust. He said my starter was fine, but it was time to replace the battery.

I am proud of myself that I was able to avoid going to that place of , "what's wrong with my consciousness that my car's not starting well?" I really did know that my connection to Source has been quite strong of late.

I knew that the old battery was associated with time spent with my ex-boyfriend. Having recently moved on from that relationship, I am sure this was Spirit's way of helping me bless and release all connections to him. The Truth is, I knew staying with him had been holding me back from taking inspired action and moving forward...thus the symbolism of the car not starting well.

It feels fitting, that as 2009 draws to a close, I am starting the new year with a brand new battery, fresh energy, freedom from old restraints,and anticipation of new love just around the corner. My consciousness is doing just fine, thank you!

Happy New Year, from my car to yours.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stand Up For Yourself

"Stand up for yourself, even if your voice is shaky."

I just saw this on a bumper sticker tonight and wanted to share it with you.

It reminds me of the title of the book, written by Susan Jeffers, "Feel the Fear, and Do It Anyway." I went to her workshop in the eighties in Santa Barbara. I spoke with her at the break, and she autographed my book. I love her message. She says, you don't have to wait until you are feeling totally ready to do something. If we wait for the fear to be gone before we take action, we may never do it.

I think standing up for our self, even if we don't feel 100% confident about doing it, is a terrific idea. Don't you? Consider it.

Has anyone seen the movie, "Bounce" with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Affleck? It is one of my all time favorites. In it, Gwyneth's character says she's scared all the time. Ben Affleck, sensitive hunk that he is, says, "It's not brave unless you're scared."

Be brave, do the thing you're scared to do, even if you're shaky. Feel the fear and do it anyways. What have you got to lose???

"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." FDR

Much love to each of you,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Will Extol Thee

Dear Friends,

I found myself caught up in the frenzy of the holiday preparations. First, I forgive myself for judging myself. Next, I take a deep breath and remember the True Spirit of the Holiday; to love one another, to seek and seek evermore, The Presence.

With that in Mind, I will be sharing devotional prayers from Paramahansa Yogananda this week, to help each of us, myself included, stay in alignment during the Holidays. Blessed Be...

I Will Extol Thee:

"O Spirit, make my soul Thy temple, but make my heart Thy beloved home where Thou wouldst dwell with me in ease and everlasting understanding."

~ Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship

Calming thoughts to each of you,


Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

"Forget what you have been taught, so you can remember what you know."

~ Alan Cohen, author of The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore

I believe that he is talking about forgetting the false beliefs we were taught growing up. If any of us were fortunate to be taught we were part of Source, pure love, I'd hold on to that one.

But if we were taught that we're not enough, taught not to listen to our intuition, taught not to stand up for ourselves, or taught not to express our feelings - that's the stuff we can forget about. Just let it go.

Then remember what we know: We are the individualized expression of the Divine...and THAT's the Truth, The Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help me God.

I know this is the truth for each and every one of us. I am going to practice seeing myself through the eyes of Source, just for the fun of it, and see how it feels. I imagine it's going to feel DIVINE, don't you?

Let's Affirm together today: "I remember what I know - I AM ONE WITH GOD."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Go Around Her

Spirit is always trying to reach us with messages. Our job is to “get” them. I want to share what happened to me the other day. The whole time it was going on, I knew there was a message from God in there. This is the way I see the world a lot of the time. You know how when you wake up from a dream, you try to interpret the symbolism in the dream and get the messages for yourself? I do that with real life experiences.

Here’s what happened:

I was on my way to an appointment. I was thinking about whether I should end an 8 year relationship with a friend. Probably, that was my “asking” for guidance from Spirit. I was on Lindley Avenue when I noticed a lot of commotion. There were police on motorcycles, and lots of cars coming out of a church driveway. I slowed down and came to a stand-still, right in front of the church. I realized I was caught up in the middle of a funeral procession. All the cars were being assembled, a bit chaotically, to follow the procession to the cemetery. There were two lanes in the direction I was headed. I was in the left lane. One car was in front of me, and had stopped to wait. No one was in front of her. There was a long row of cars (mourners) in the lane to my right.

I decided to accept the situation rather than fight it. I wanted to be respectful of the circumstances. I thought about how important it was for all of these people to take the time out of their routines to pay their final respects.

I was okay with waiting. But the two young men (mourners) in the car to my right, had their window down, and spoke to me. “Go around her,” they said.
I asked, “Do you mean make a U turn?” “No, go around her,” was their firm reply. So I did. But first, I said to the two young men, “my condolences on your loss,” and they acknowledged my gesture and thanked me. In front of the police and everyone else, I moved forward, onto my destination. I remember being a bit scared that I might get in trouble with the motorcycle cops, because I actually had to enter the opposing traffic lane to go around her. It felt risky, and a bit disrespectful.

Here’s my analysis of why this happened. When I was an adult, my mother lived on Lindley Avenue, actually 2 blocks from where I was stuck in front of that church the other day. Coincidence?? She passed away 8 years ago. I believe the car in front of me represented my mom. I was allowing her to “keep me stuck” in the old unhealthy beliefs she had taught me. Her messages were keeping me from moving forward to my destination in life. “Stay small, Sherry. Don’t outshine others. Always put other people’s needs before your own. Don’t stand up for yourself - it might hurt someone’s feelings.” The two young men in the car represented my sons. They were supporting me and letting me know it was okay to “go around her.” When I gave them my condolences on their loss, I believe I was telling my sons, I’m sorry for what you lost because of me. It feels like the message from Spirit was, “Let those old beliefs die now. Their time has passed. Even if it feels risky, it is safe to move ahead.”

Spirit gave me the guidance I asked for. It fell right into my lap in front of a church on Lindley Avenue. So I did end that 8 year relationship this past weekend. It felt like the right thing to do for me, even if it was going to hurt him. It took courage to “go around her” old beliefs and move forward to the “appointment” with my Good. This was not only the end of a relationship, but also the “death” of my mother’s voice in my head.

Rest in Peace…

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sherry Baby

This is a true story. Click here, SherryBaby to listen to the song while you read this post, if you'd like!

Growing up, "Sherry Baby" by Franki Valli and the Four Seasons was, of course, one of my favorite songs. In grammar school (yikes) a boy that had a crush on me gave me the "45" record of "Sherry Baby." Over the years, I enjoyed the song, and got a kick out of people singing it to me when they were introduced to me and heard my name. Years later, after my father passed, whenever I was needing a lift, I would hear "Sherry Baby" playing on the radio. It felt like my dad was dropping by to say hello, to comfort remind me I was not alone, and that he was watching over me.

Fast forward to 8 years ago, when my younger son was in High School. His girlfriend at the time, was visiting our home one day. "Sherry Baby" came on the radio, and I ran to turn it up louder. His girlfriend said, "Oh, do you like that song? My grandfather, Bob Guadio, wrote Sherry Baby...he is one of the Four Seasons! Would you like to meet him?"

Oh My God!! I did meet him, and he was very kind, considering that I could hardly speak. I felt like one of those hysterical teenage groupies. People kept the conversation going until I gained some composure and felt like a bit of an adult again. I asked if he had named the song after someone special. I remember he said that he did not, but that after he wrote it, they named the horse on their ranch in the mid-west, "Sherry Baby." I thought that was funny.

Why write about this in a spiritual blog? Because the news that her grandfather wrote "Sherry Baby" was astounding to me on a few levels. One, how could I be so old, that my son's girlfriend's GRANDFATHER, ... you get the picture. The other level was spiritually. I was in awe by the Universe's orchestration of all this. As you know, I don't believe there are coincidences. Sometimes I feel it's all been played out ahead of time on God's chess board. "I'll put this person here, then move that one over there, and that will make room for the next experience, etc."

At the time, I was going through a difficult divorce, and my dad, from the other side, surely knew. It felt like Spirit helped him "kick it up a notch," by not just playing the song on the radio to comfort me, but by bringing one of The Four Seasons, and the creator of "Sherry Baby" into my life right when I needed a really big lift! I wonder, could God be that all-knowing, to have orchestrated this decades ago, knowing I would need comfort at that moment?? With God...All Things ARE Possible.

"Sherry Baby...why don't you come out tonight, where the bright moon shines, we'll dance the night away...I'm gonna make you mi-i-ine.."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What's Your Story?

"Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want."

~ Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks

Tell a new story. It's that simple. If what you have isn't want you want, tell a new story. Whatever we are thinking about, comes about. So if we are focused on how things aren't working in our lives, we'll get more of that. You can begin to notice what you talk about all day, to your friends, your co-workers, when you're on the phone. That's the old story, most likely.

The trick, according to Abraham, is to focus on what you DO want. This idea really annoys people! They say, "But it's true, that I don't have this thing. I have to face reality, don't I?" Nope. If you keep focusing on the "not having it," you'll never get it.

What does telling your story look like? Sit down, and write it. Tell it like you "want it to be," rather than, "telling it like it is." Write it as if it's already happened, and you are telling a dear friend how it FEELS now that you have what you have wanted.

By the way, you ARE telling a dear are telling God. Make it a game. Be light about it. Use your IMAGINATION, your most powerful tool for manifesting. Create your new story, and then watch for the evidence to show up in physical form. This is the really fun part. If you look for it, you will see it. Then write down the evidence as it is building. Be appreciative of each piece of evidence. It will begin to expand. You are raising your vibration, and feeling like the powerful creator that you are.

The Universe will respond in kind to whatever we are thinking about and talking about and focusing on.

Here's my new story: "I feel so good because everything keeps getting better and better."

What story do YOU want to tell the next person YOU talk to???

Affirmation O' the Day: I tell a better story!