Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Law of Attraction - Post #3

I want to talk more about receiving, the third step in manifesting using The Law of Attraction. You may ask, "Why am I not receiving what I asked for?"

Let's break this down together. Let's say you want a car. On a vibrational scale of 1 to 10, 10 being super happy, you believe you'd be at an 8 if you had this new car. But right now in your life, you're vibrating at about a 3 on the happy scale. The theory behind the Law of Attraction says, "like attracts like." So you won't be a vibrational match to your car, until you are feeling like an 8 on the happy scale. Then the car manifests.

Many of us believe, "when I get the car...THEN I'll be happy." But this is false thinking. That would be sending out the vibration that "I'm not happy now, but I will be when I get the car." The Universe will pick up on your "I'm not happy now," thoughts and mirror back to you MORE of "I'm not happy now." This is tricky, but how it works.

That's why being aware of our thoughts is really crucial. You have 60,000 thoughts each day; 95 percent of them are the same thoughts you had yesterday and the day before. It is the essence of our dominant thoughts that give us our vibration. I think of it as an average of all our thoughts. Abraham says we need 51% of our thoughts to be positive. That's good news, because we can still have an occasional negative thought and manifest what we desire. We don't have to be perfect at this...just aware.

Next up, we'll talk about what resistance we may have that keeps us from our desires...and what we can do to release this resistance.

Affirmation O' the Day: "I am aware of my thoughts. I choose to keep the good ones now."

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