Monday, October 26, 2009

I See the Light

"Spirit needs to express through you, and as you are created by Spirit, you can always, always draw upon your invisible wellspring, that which knows you, loves you, and is your source and your supply. There is no difficulty that you cannot overcome. God is bigger than any problem, and your life is God's life in action. You will endure, you will prevail, because you know who you are. THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL AND THAT LIGHT IS YOU."

~ Nancy Zala, November 2004

Wow. I go to this quote often when I need to be reminded of the Truth. Sometimes it is hard for me to wrap my arms around the idea that Spirit is working through me. When I feel alone, I can feel overwhelmed thinking I've got to solve the problem all by myself. Maybe that's where my problem stems from. Thinking I am alone. Ah ha!

The sages teach us that we can either tell God how big our problem is...or tell the problem how big our God is. I think I'll choose the latter, today.

We used to kid that the light at the end of the tunnel is probably a freight train coming towards you. Now, I love Nancy Zala's suggestion that the light at the end of the tunnel is the light that emanates from within.

So I'm going to allow Spirit to wrap it's arms around me and solve the situation "through" me, by means of me. Yeah...that feels better already.

Affirmation O' the Day: I open up my eyes to see the light within me.


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