Friday, July 2, 2010

Love Yourself More

"When I find myself in the midst of my own transformation, God is there...loving me every step of the way...and reminding me to do the same."
~ Sage Bennet, Agape

This beautiful message is one of my all-time favorite quotes. I wanted to share it with you tonight. It captures two wise Truths. First, that we are never alone -Spirit is always with us, loving us unconditionally no matter what we're going through. Second, that Spirit is gently reminding us to love ourselves just as we are loved by the Divine; unconditionally.

I may not always make it to 'unconditionally,' but I can strive to love myself more. Being a recovering perfectionist, this feels reasonable to me. I love the quote, because when I think I'm in a jam, when I'm questioning, "how did my consciousness manifest this?" it reminds me to see the situation through the eyes of Source. I'm not in the midst of a mess, I'm in the midst of my own transformation. A lot kinder perspective, I would say.

The phrase "my own transformation" gives me hope. It suggests I will come through this "mess" transformed in some way. Maybe a little bit wiser or stronger, having gleaned the blessing in this disguise.

I wonder if part of the Divine Plan within the challenge we may be going through is to have the opportunity to see if we can love ourselves a little bit more while we're "in the midst of it."

Years ago, I remember an interviewer asked then First Lady Barbara Bush, "Which one of your children do you love the most?" She replied, "The one that needs me the most at the moment."

I know God is loving us, especially in the moment we most need it. Are you?

Sunday, February 7, 2010


"I no longer contend against people or events. In doing this I become emancipated from my previous bondage. Today, everything in my experience is made new. Today, I expect and accept only good." Ernest Holmes

Have you ever been in a pickle and said to yourself, "what's wrong with my consciousness, that I attracted this?" Not only do you have a problem, now you are beating yourself up that you have attracted it. A double whammy.

I found myself in such a pickle recently, and asked the Universe for guidance. Knowing that I had lost my connection to Spirit, it gently brought me back. How?
I went to turn on the TV, and although the shows were all available, there was no sound. So I thought I'd try the DVD player, which is connected to that TV. Guess what? The DVD player had sound coming out of the TV! I knew I was being shown the way, so I listened to what happened to be in the DVD player: an Abraham-Hicks workshop CD! Coincidence? No such thing.

This CD was a gift from a friend that ordered it for me. She thought I would enjoy it. (I had been avoiding listening to it). Now I listened. It talked about getting into the Vortex, a state of grace where you are one with Source (God); and thus one with unconditional love, one with your Good, and all the things you have been asking for.

Abraham asked people at the workshop to come up to the microphone and talk about what it feels like to be in their Vortex. It was beautiful! What happened was, this focus on their Vortex, caused a diffusion of anything that was troubling in their experience. Listening to others describe their Vortex, I felt the same effect.

Abraham said, "the problems that are responsible for the creation of your Vortex have served their purpose, and now you are ready to give your undivided attention to what's in your Vortex. Problems cause you to find solutions, and it is in that movement, that you are getting into your Vortex. That movement into your Vortex IS the sweetness of life."

In plain English - when you've got problems, go to God. You'll forget about your problems. The solutions will follow, or you won't care anymore. That was the purpose of the problem, to get you to focus on God. The sweetness of life IS the process of reconnecting with the Divine.

I must say, that this certainly worked for me. I felt that rather than working hard to OVERCOME the problems, I simply transcended them. Then sweet relief followed.

The quote at the top of this post from Ernest Holmes sums it up for me. When I reconnected with Source, I no longer needed to CONTEND against the people and events. I simply chose to focus on God and the grace that is waiting for me in my Vortex.

Lesson O' the Day: "I coulda been a contender, Stella...but I chose freedom instead." :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

No Crumbs

Driving today, I found myself behind a car whose personal license plate said, "NOCRMBS."

That car stayed in front of me for quite a long time. It felt like the message Spirit was sending to me was, "No Crumbs. Don't settle for the crumbs, Sherry. Go for the whole enchilada."

While I'm still watching the "NOCRMBS" license plate, a second message from Spirit appears on a sporty blue convertible, with the top down: "BAHSHRT." The frame around this said, "Cute as a Button." Being Jewish, I recognized this second plate was a reference to a Yiddish word Bashert, which means "destiny." It is a phrase that my family often used when speaking of someone's fate, as if to say, "It was meant to be." I noticed the woman driving with the top down seemed so carefree and she knew she was, "cute as a button."

A funny thing just happened. As I am writing this post, I Googled "bashert," to look up the spelling, and my screen took me to Wikipedia's definition of another Yiddish word, "shidduch," that I'm not familiar with. Apparently, Spirit wanted me to see this definition! It says shidduch is "a system of matchmaking in which Jewish singles are introduced to one another for the purpose of marriage."

Oh, this is such a hoot! I have spoken before in this blog about how Spirit is always sending us insight to help us attain our dreams.

In piecing together today's message from Spirit, this is what I am getting loud and clear: Don't settle for the crumbs...go for the is your destiny. Spirit is in charge of bringing you and your beloved together for the purpose of marriage."

You gotta love this stuff! I certainly do!

Keep your eyes and ears open - Spirit is always sending us messages and guidance on how to live the life of our dreams.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dream On

Recently, I posted about the Spirit Wisdom Circle I facilitate, and our Burning Bowl Ceremony. We blessed and released what no longer serves us. Our next step was to declare to the Universe what we each desired to create to fill that vacuum.

As inspiration, before we wrote our desires down, I read the following passage from a beautiful book by Christian D. Larson titled, "The Pathway of Roses," originally published in 1912:

"Dream on fair soul, dream on. Thy visions are not in vain. Other and greater worlds are waiting for thee. Dream on fair soul, dream on. Let thy Spirit ascend to the supreme heights of those greater worlds where thou shalt behold the glory and splendor of that sublime existence that is in store for thee. And let nothing that may come or go in thy waking hours cause thee to forget what thou hast seen. For the time is near when the dreams of the night shall rise with the morning but shall not depart with the setting sun. What thou hast seen in thy visions shall come to remain; and what thy lofty moments have revealed to thee shall become thine own forever."

May all your dreams come true, dear friends.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Moving Forward

I've got a cool story to tell you. It's true!

About a month ago, I hid a spare key outside my home. A few days later, I went to check on it. It was gone. I debated about freaking out about my safety, but fortunately went the other route and listened to my intuition.

I had a feeling Spirit had moved it. I believe Spirit can move material things. Why not? There are no limitations in the Mind of God. But I digress...

I asked for guidance about where the key was, and the answer I heard was, "You won't be needing access to your place, you will be moving in a few months. You'll find the key then." That felt right to me.

This past week, a possible opportunity to move has presented itself. It is a move forward. It feels good. I asked Spirit for signs that this move would be for my highest good.

Last night, I awoke in the middle of the night and noticed the clock read "2:22." I remember thinking, "that must mean something," and dozed back to sleep.

This morning I awoke and got my sign.

I need to give you a little background here. A year ago, when I was considering moving to the place I am in now, I asked for a sign from Spirit that would indicate whether this would be a good place for me to live. The first day I came to see this house, there was a beautiful old Rolls Royce in front. The license plate frame on the back of the car read, "TRUST IN GOD." The car was parked facing forward, toward the house.

I took the place.

The Rolls Royce stayed out front for a few months, and then it was gone. I haven't seen it in about 10 months.

Fast forward to this morning. I awake to the sight of the Rolls Royce in front of my house again, this time facing away from the house, so that the rear license plate is in clear view from my living room window. The frame still reads, "TRUST IN GOD." The Rolls is facing forward, as if it's ready to leave. So am I.

I thought that was cool enough in itself, until I noticed the actual license plate contained the number "222." Okay. Now I'm really impressed, Spirit!!

It felt like the Rolls Royce had appeared at the beginning of my time here, and then was making a final appearance at the end of my time here, to say goodbye. I felt closure.

I love sharing these true stories about my life. It is my desire that you are able to recognize in your life, how available Spirit is to you too, and how Spirit takes great pleasure, and goes to great lengths to communicate with us and show us the way. And it makes life so much more fun, too!

I will keep you posted as I move forward. Thanks for sharing the journey with me.


Monday, January 4, 2010

I Release

Happy New Year 2010!

This past fall, I created a Spirit Wisdom Circle. I facilitate it every Saturday in Woodland Hills, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles. This past weekend, we had a Sacred Burning Bowl Ceremony, to usher in the New Year. It consisted of two parts. The first part was writing down what we were ready to bless and release from our past. We burned the paper in the fireplace. It was very emotional for many of us. The second part was writing what we intend to create in the year ahead.

The night before the Burning Bowl Ceremony, Spirit channeled through me a meditation called "I Release." As I read it out loud to the group, many of us, including myself, got choked up, and were moved by the words. The group asked me to email them a copy. Here's the funny part. I sent it out 3 times, because my email address was on the mailing list, and I wasn't receiving it each time. I thought they weren't receiving it either. But they were. Everyone got three copies of "I Release." Spirit never ceases to amaze me, in the creative and fun ways that it works to reach us. I'm sure this was Spirit, making a point, to remind us to release, release, release...

Here is the meditation for you to enjoy, too.

Channeled from Spirit by Sherry Lynn
For Our Sacred Burning Bowl Ceremony
January 2010

There is one Power, one Presence, one Love.
I am one with this Loving Presence – Spirit.
Today, I release that which no longer serves me – the limitations in my mind that have kept me from being ME.

I release the struggles, oh the countless struggles, at times seeming unnecessary, and yet they brought me to this moment of grace.

I release the need to beat myself up.
There are no mistakes, only growth from within the deep recesses of my soul, longing to emerge.

I release the belief that I’ve been doing it all wrong.
Maybe I don’t understand completely why I was drawn to struggle with those beliefs, but Spirit does. Spirit understands. I was creating a better life for myself, while in the process of believing those old beliefs.

I bless them. I let them go now.
You know the beliefs I am ready to release now, Spirit. You always know.
I release the thoughts that have kept me little, small, afraid. Those thoughts are not the Truth of who I am.

I release the pain, the hurt, the suffering I have endured. Yet I keep the awareness of my strength through such adversity.

I release the need to prove how strong I am.
I release the need to do it all by myself.
I remember that Spirit is always with me, walking beside me.

I release the fear and the doubt that rears its ugly head, just as I begin to get it together.

I forgive myself for judging myself. I release all self-judgments.

I release the teachers disguised as ‘challenging people’ in my life that have taught me so well. So well, that I have received the lessons fully. I bless them for volunteering to be my teachers, even thought it was painful for them, too.

I release the experiences and memories of the past that keep me from my future.

I release the lack, the limitation, the blocks, and resistance, the old habits and patterns that I am ready to let go of now.

I release all grudges, and resentments that are ready to be dissolved back into the nothingness from whence they came.

I release the anger, mine and theirs, that I have carried for so long. I release it without judging it I simply let it go now.

I release believing that “I can’t,” because I know that with God, all things are possible.
I release believing that “I am not enough.”
I release believing that “I am not worthy.”
I have always been enough and worthy in the eyes of Source. I always will be.

I release old problems and the need for the conditions that have held me back from my Divine Destiny – from my Joy.

I celebrate my release, because it sets me free. In doing so, I forgive myself. I appreciate myself. I love myself.

I release. I let go and I let God. And so it is. Amen.

Spirit Wisdom Circle
Facilitated by Sherry Lynn